This site collects information on the various musical projects of Steve Hamann, based in Toronto, Canada.
Current projects include:
Signal Hangup: music for drones and noises, ongoing since 2017.
High Street Ghosts: music for electric guitar and effects, ongoing since 2020.
S Hamann: music for synthesizers, active 2015-20, dormant but may be revived in future.
Retired projects include:
SIGHUP: noisedrone project, first iteration of Signal Hangup, active between 2004 and 2011. Performed a handful of live shows during that period.
Esau Radio Studio: instrumental synthpop psychedelia, active between 2001 and 2004. Received some radio play, but otherwise had a fleeting existence.
Home Again: First steps into recording with computers, an unfocused hybrid of acoustic instruments and synthesizers that needed to end awaiting more skill and a clearer vision.
The Bonnie: low, low fidelity cassette project, quaint but probably mostly terrible.
Some related links:
On Youtube (a miscellany of tracks, rarely used due to a general decline in the site)
On Soundcloud (a miscellany of tracks, rarely used due to a general decline in the site)
On Discogs: High Street Ghosts, Signal Hangup, S Hamann, SIGHUP
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